مُحسِّن الصحة هو أداة احترافية لحساب البيانات الصحية على الإنترنت، وهو يوفر حساب نسبة الدهون في الجسم (BFP)، وحساب مؤشر كتلة الجسم (BMI)، وحساب معدل الأيض الأساسي (BMR)، وحساب مؤشر نسبة الخصر إلى الورك (WHR)، وغيرها من المؤشرات الصحية المختلفة، لمساعدة المستخدمين على فهم حالتهم الصحية بشكل شامل

حاسبة نسبة الدهون في الجسم (BFP)

تُعرف أيضاً بالنسبة المئوية للدهون في الجسم، وهي تشير إلى نسبة وزن الدهون في الجسم إلى الوزن الكلي للجسم. تعتبر نسبة الدهون مؤشراً هاماً لمحتوى الدهون في الجسم، وهي معيار مهم لتحديد ما إذا كان الشخص يعاني من السمنة.

اذهب للاختبار

حاسبة مؤشر كتلة الجسم (BMI)

يُعرف أيضاً بمؤشر كتلة الجسم أو مؤشر BMI، وهو معيار دولي يُستخدم لقياس درجة سمنة أو نحافة الجسم ومدى صحته، ويكون مؤشر BMI الطبيعي بين 20 و25.

اذهب للاختبار

حاسبة معدل الأيض الأساسي (BMR)

معدل الأيض الأساسي (Basal Metabolic Rate، BMR) هو معدل استهلاك الطاقة للجسم في حالة اليقظة والهدوء التام، دون تأثير من النشاط العضلي أو درجة حرارة البيئة أو الطعام أو التوتر النفسي.

اذهب للاختبار

حاسبة مؤشر الخصر إلى الورك (WHR)

مؤشر الخصر إلى الورك هو نسبة محيط الخصر إلى محيط الورك، وهو معيار صحي فعّال، خاصةً لتحديد السمنة المركزية، وله أهمية كبيرة في تقييم جاذبية الأنثى.

اذهب للاختبار

حاسبة أقصى معدل لضربات القلب (MHR)

يشير إلى أعلى مستوى يمكن أن تصل إليه ضربات القلب أثناء الجهد البدني، حيث تزداد كمية الأكسجين ومعدل ضربات القلب مع زيادة الجهد، ولا يمكن أن تستمر في الزيادة عند الوصول إلى الحد الأقصى من الجهد.

اذهب للاختبار

حاسبة معدل ضربات القلب المستهدف (THR)

معدل ضربات القلب المستهدف هو معدل ضربات القلب المثالي أثناء التمرين، أي عدد ضربات القلب في الدقيقة، والذي لا يسبب الإرهاق الشديد. من الأفضل الحفاظ على معدل ضربات القلب ضمن نطاق معدل القلب المستهدف أثناء التمرين.

اذهب للاختبار

Introduction to Health Calculator

Welcome to Health Calculator, a platform dedicated to providing a variety of health management tools! Here, you can find numerous practical calculators to help you better understand and monitor your physical health. Whether you need to calculate body fat percentage, body mass index, basal metabolic rate, maximum heart rate, target heart rate, or waist-hip ratio, Health Calculator has you covered. Our tools support both metric and imperial units, making them convenient for users worldwide.

Body Fat Percentage Calculator (BFP)

Body Fat Percentage (BFP) is a crucial indicator for assessing body fat content. By entering data such as height, weight, waist circumference, and hip circumference, our calculator can accurately determine your body fat percentage. This is especially important for those looking to lose fat, build muscle, or maintain a healthy body fat level. Using the Body Fat Percentage Calculator, you can determine whether you are within a healthy range and adjust your diet and exercise plans accordingly.

Body Mass Index Calculator (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common method for evaluating weight status. Our BMI Calculator quickly calculates your BMI value by simply entering your height and weight, and determines whether you are within a healthy weight range. This tool is essential for weight loss plans, health monitoring, and setting fitness goals. Keywords such as "BMI Calculator" and "healthy weight calculation" will help you easily find our website through Google search.

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator (BMR)

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) refers to the energy your body consumes at rest. Knowing your BMR helps in creating scientific diet and exercise plans. Our BMR Calculator accurately calculates your basal metabolic rate based on your age, gender, height, and weight. This tool is particularly important for those who aim to manage calorie intake scientifically to lose weight or build muscle.

Maximum Heart Rate Calculator (MHR)

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) is the highest number of beats per minute your heart can achieve during intense exercise. Understanding your maximum heart rate helps in designing effective workout plans. Our MHR Calculator calculates your maximum heart rate based on your age, helping you maintain appropriate intensity during exercise to ensure safety and efficiency. Keywords like "maximum heart rate calculation" and "exercise heart rate management" make it easy for users to find our tool through search engines.

Target Heart Rate Calculator (THR)

Target Heart Rate (THR) is the optimal heart rate range to maintain during exercise to improve cardiovascular health and workout efficiency. By entering your age and maximum heart rate, our THR Calculator helps you determine the ideal exercise intensity range. Whether your goal is to lose weight, enhance cardiovascular function, or improve athletic performance, the Target Heart Rate Calculator is your reliable assistant.

Waist-Hip Ratio Calculator (WHR)

Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) is an important indicator for assessing abdominal obesity and heart disease risk. By entering your waist and hip measurements, our WHR Calculator quickly calculates your waist-hip ratio and assesses health risks. It is particularly useful for users concerned with cardiovascular health and abdominal fat management.

Why Choose Health Calculator?

Accurate Health Assessment Tools

Health Calculator offers a variety of health calculators to meet the needs of different users. Whether you are focused on body fat, weight, metabolism, heart rate, or waist-hip ratio, our website provides professional and accurate calculation results.

User-Friendly Interface

Our website features a simple design and easy operation. Just enter basic data and select the appropriate calculation standard to easily obtain results.

Multi-Unit Support

Health Calculator supports both metric and imperial units, catering to the needs of different users and making your calculations more convenient and accurate.

Suitable for Various Health Goals

Whether you are planning weight loss, health management, or setting fitness goals, Health Calculator provides scientific basis to help you achieve your objectives.

How to Use Health Calculator?

  1. Select the desired calculator (e.g., BMI, BFP, BMR, etc.).

  2. Enter the necessary personal information (e.g., height, weight, age, gender, etc.).

  3. Choose the calculation standard or unit.

  4. Click the "Calculate" button to get the results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How accurate are these calculators?  
A: Health Calculator's tools are based on scientific formulas and standards, providing high accuracy. However, individual differences may affect the final results, so we recommend using them in conjunction with professional advice.

Q: How do I choose the right calculation standard for me?  
A: Choose the calculation standard based on your region and personal circumstances, such as international standards or local standards (e.g., China, Singapore, Japan).

Q: Should I use these calculators regularly?  
A: Yes, regularly using these calculators can help you monitor body changes and adjust health plans in a timely manner. We recommend measuring every two weeks.

With Health Calculator, you can easily understand your health status and create scientifically sound health plans. Visit health-calculator.net now to start your journey to better health!

Body Fat Percentage Calculator (BFP)Body Mass Index Calculator (BMI)Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator (BMR)Maximum Heart Rate Calculator (MHR)Target Heart Rate Calculator (THR)Waist-Hip Ratio Calculator (WHR)
Calculadora de Porcentaje de Grasa Corporal (BFP)Calculadora de Índice de Masa Corporal (BMI)Calculadora de Tasa Metabólica Basal (BMR)Calculadora de Frecuencia Cardíaca Máxima (MHR)Calculadora de Frecuencia Cardíaca Objetivo (THR)Calculadora de Índice de Cintura-Cadera (WHR)
Körperfettanteil-Rechner (BFP)Body-Mass-Index-Rechner (BMI)Grundumsatz-Rechner (BMR)Maximaler Herzfrequenz-Rechner (MHR)Zielherzfrequenz-Rechner (THR)Taille-Hüft-Verhältnis-Rechner (WHR)
Calculateur de pourcentage de graisse corporelle (BFP)Calculateur d`Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC)Calculateur de Métabolisme de Base (BMR)Calculateur de Fréquence Cardiaque Maximale (FCM)Calculateur de Fréquence Cardiaque Cible (FCC)Calculateur de Rapport Taille-Hanche (RTH)
체지방 백분율 계산기(BFP)체질량 지수 계산기(BMI)기초 대사율 계산기(BMR)최대 심박수 계산기(MHR)목표 심박수 계산기(THR)허리-엉덩이 비율 계산기(WHR)
Калькулятор процента жира в организме (BFP)Калькулятор индекса массы тела (BMI)Калькулятор базального метаболизма (BMR)Калькулятор максимального пульса (MHR)Калькулятор целевого пульса (THR)Калькулятор индекса талии и бедер (WHR)
Calculadora de Percentagem de Gordura Corporal (BFP)Calculadora do Índice de Massa Corporal (BMI)Calculadora de Taxa Metabólica Basal (BMR)Calculadora de Frequência Cardíaca Máxima (MHR)Calculadora de Frequência Cardíaca Alvo (THR)Calculadora do Índice Cintura-Quadril (WHR)
Calcolatore della percentuale di grasso corporeo (BFP)Calcolatore dell’Indice di Massa Corporea (BMI)Calcolatore del Metabolismo Basale (BMR)Calcolatore della Frequenza Cardiaca Massima (MHR)Calcolatore della Frequenza Cardiaca Obiettivo (THR)Calcolatore dell’Indice di Massa Corporea (WHR)