Health Calculators are a suite of professional online tools for calculating various health metrics such as Body Fat Percentage (BFP), Body Mass Index (BMI), Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), and Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR), helping users to comprehensively understand their health status.

Body Fat Percentage Calculator (BFP)

Also known as body fat percentage, it refers to the proportion of fat weight to the total body weight. The level of body fat percentage directly reflects the amount of fat in the body and is an important criterion for determining whether a person is obese.

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Body Mass Index Calculator (BMI)

Also known as BMI (Body Mass Index), it is an international standard for measuring the degree of body fatness and health. The normal BMI range is between 20 to 25.

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Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator (BMR)

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) refers to the rate of energy metabolism when the body is awake and in a state of extreme rest, unaffected by muscle activity, environmental temperature, food, and mental stress.

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Waist-Hip Ratio Calculator (WHR)

Waist-Hip Ratio is the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. It is an effective health standard, especially important for assessing central obesity and also significant in evaluating female attractiveness.

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Maximum Heart Rate Calculator (MHR)

Refers to the highest level of heart rate achieved during exercise load, where with the increase in exercise, oxygen consumption and heart rate also increase, and at maximum load intensity, oxygen consumption and heart rate cannot continue to rise.

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Target Heart Rate Calculator (THR)

Target Heart Rate refers to the ideal heartbeat frequency during exercise, i.e., the number of heartbeats per minute, which won't cause overexertion. It's best to keep your heart rate within the target range when exercising.

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Calculadora de Porcentaje de Grasa Corporal (BFP)Calculadora de Índice de Masa Corporal (BMI)Calculadora de Tasa Metabólica Basal (BMR)Calculadora de Frecuencia Cardíaca Máxima (MHR)Calculadora de Frecuencia Cardíaca Objetivo (THR)Calculadora de Índice de Cintura-Cadera (WHR)
Körperfettanteil-Rechner (BFP)Body-Mass-Index-Rechner (BMI)Grundumsatz-Rechner (BMR)Maximaler Herzfrequenz-Rechner (MHR)Zielherzfrequenz-Rechner (THR)Taille-Hüft-Verhältnis-Rechner (WHR)
Calculateur de pourcentage de graisse corporelle (BFP)Calculateur d`Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC)Calculateur de Métabolisme de Base (BMR)Calculateur de Fréquence Cardiaque Maximale (FCM)Calculateur de Fréquence Cardiaque Cible (FCC)Calculateur de Rapport Taille-Hanche (RTH)
حاسبة نسبة الدهون في الجسم (BFP)حاسبة مؤشر كتلة الجسم (BMI)حاسبة معدل الأيض الأساسي (BMR)حاسبة أقصى معدل لضربات القلب (MHR)حاسبة معدل ضربات القلب المستهدف (THR)حاسبة مؤشر نسبة الخصر إلى الورك (WHR)
체지방 백분율 계산기(BFP)체질량 지수 계산기(BMI)기초 대사율 계산기(BMR)최대 심박수 계산기(MHR)목표 심박수 계산기(THR)허리-엉덩이 비율 계산기(WHR)
Калькулятор процента жира в организме (BFP)Калькулятор индекса массы тела (BMI)Калькулятор базального метаболизма (BMR)Калькулятор максимального пульса (MHR)Калькулятор целевого пульса (THR)Калькулятор индекса талии и бедер (WHR)
Calculadora de Percentagem de Gordura Corporal (BFP)Calculadora do Índice de Massa Corporal (BMI)Calculadora de Taxa Metabólica Basal (BMR)Calculadora de Frequência Cardíaca Máxima (MHR)Calculadora de Frequência Cardíaca Alvo (THR)Calculadora do Índice Cintura-Quadril (WHR)
Calcolatore della percentuale di grasso corporeo (BFP)Calcolatore dell’Indice di Massa Corporea (BMI)Calcolatore del Metabolismo Basale (BMR)Calcolatore della Frequenza Cardiaca Massima (MHR)Calcolatore della Frequenza Cardiaca Obiettivo (THR)Calcolatore dell’Indice di Massa Corporea (WHR)